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Posts Tagged “Bamboobasti”

BAMBOOBASTI, Ride for the Planet (Part II)

After 1 year of travel I have now travelled through Munich, Germany, through Austria, the Balkans, Turkey, Iran and now follows the story of the tour through Pakistan. Following from India, passing through south east asia via Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore to Australia and New Zeeland.

BambooBasti – Ride for the Planet

“You can achieve everything with the right mindset and hard work.” Traveling the world on myself made bam boobike, while planting trees along the way to fight the climate crisis.

BAMBOOBASTI, Ride for the Planet (Part I)

It all started with a dream, the idea of traveling the world and spreading the idea of ecofriendly traveling and creating awareness for our planet…

BAMBOOBASTI im Interview (Part I)

Sebastian Gutmann. Charaktereigenschaften: Ehrgeizig, motiviert, empathisch, lustig und teils etwas dickköpfig. Mein Arbeitsunfall am 10. August 2010: Ich verlor damals fast meine linke Hand. Das war wie mein zweiter Geburtstag. Ich änderte mein komplettes Leben und schlug eine andere Richtung ein.