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Showtime Made in Germany: VR-360°

Let our product manager Hannah Paffen guide you through the manufactory in Obereisenbach! Look behind the scenes of VAUDE and let you see the possibilities where you can use our Made in Germany products. Have lots of fun with it!

Instructions (with VR glasses)

1. Use a VR capable glasses or a VR capable smartphone (Samsung Gear VR, Google Daydream, Cardboards).
2. Press the VR button next to the Timeline to switch to VR mode.
3. For the perfect Virtual Reality experience, put yourself on the swivel chair.
4. Adjust the sharpness of the glasses to your individual viewing behavior and press Start.

You can also watch the video without VR glasses. Via the YouTube app and with the help of the location sensor of your smartphone you can simply join the tour of Hannah and look around you at the manufactory.

Quality Made in Germany – is what the waterproof welded Aqua Bike Bag Series is all about. These Upper Swabian classics received a complete relaunch for the 2017 season. Attachment system and handling were the focus of further developments. In addition, the series has been supplemented by several accessory bags that prove helpful while on the road.


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