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Natural MTB: Le Temps de Montagnes

My dedication to mountains cannot be restricted by sport. The dazzling array of smells, and the amazing feeling of travelling through those rocky and green hills which change completely through the seasons make me feel alive.

Mountain biking is a great tool to humbly and respectfully explore our world and its mountains. It allows someone to escape, meditate, and let its mind follow the pace of the wind sweeping the gently climbed peaks. Each moment spend up there is unique.I remember every mount and forest I went through, every shift in weather, every trail followed. I couldn’t live without that nature. I feel like I owe it, to live thankful for it. Fragile, it asks for our respect and caring. Meeting a shepherd was essential.

Patrice is a philosopher, poet and writer. During 4 month each year, however weather is, he is leading his herd every day to mountain pastures. He believes mountains aren’t just a way to earn his living but a key element to his self-fulfillment. Sitting here, is meditation for him. Every day, he listens and learns from it. I wanted to see by myself the life of a shepherd and grasp his love for mountains and his flock. He by foot, I on bike, we’re similar.

Eyes wide opened, we are passionate and reassured by the beauty, the history and the well-being provided by the natural environment we are evolved in. Absolutely respecting that this place is inevitable and vital.

That movie isn’t just about riding through mountains with a bike. The 3 days I spent with that shepherd were a homecoming of sorts, a blend of delightful feeling and emotions.

Rider: Rodolphe Pasciuto – Natural MTB
Filmer: OQAMY


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