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#EVERYDAYCLIMATEDAY – Contact your political representatives

Your vote counts for climate protection

Climate researchers and other scientists have been warning us for years; the newest report of the IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change also makes it very clear: Climate change is a reality, and we can see the effects right on our doorstep. Heat waves, droughts, floods and other severe weather phenomena are becoming more frequent. They pose an acute threat to our livelihoods – right here in Germany as well. If we don’t drastically change our economic system and consumption habits, the consequences will be even more dire.

The way we see it though, politicians are reacting too hesitantly, cautiously and indecisively. Therefore we have to take action now!

As a company, we have been committed to a sustainable climate policy for many years. We are involved in initiatives and associations, in working groups and lectures. Environmental protection is not a “nice to have” but a “must have” in any corporate philosophy. Pioneers in the green movement are at a disadvantage in global competition when they voluntarily take on responsibility for our planet and pay for compensation measures. This is where political policies are needed. When minimum social and ecological standards aren’t anchored into law, the exploitation of people and nature is supported. This also creates competitive disadvantages for companies that have been committed to fair and environmentally friendly production conditions throughout their supply chain for years.

We firmly believe that truly sustainable solutions can only be achieved by working together. That’s why we think it’s important to do our part to help change the minds of the right people. We are active on many levels, advocating for sustainability with political strategies as well. This includes contacting politicians as well as active participation in industry associations and initiatives.

Protest and pro-active solutions

With the worldwide Fridays for Future movement, the climate protest has reached a new dimension in the public sphere. Every social class and generation is now participating in the protest movement – not just young people. The more people who raise their voices here, the better. Social demands cannot simply be ignored by politicians. They too must take action.

This is why we began taking part in climate strike events as a company in 2019 and encourage our employees to do the same. For the global climate strike on September 24, 2021, we will once again take to the streets and make our demands visible and audible. We’ve designed posters with our call to action for sustainable environmental and economic policies. At the same time, many of our employees have also written down their personal climate goals and what contributions they want to make with a more sustainable lifestyle. Giving up the car. Eating less meat. Avoiding air travel, etc.  Think globally – act locally!

We are demanding that politicians finally set the framework conditions for effective climate protection – at the perfect time, right before the federal elections! If you also want to take part in the climate strike, you can find information about events in your area here.

Slowing climate change by reducing CO2 emissions

We are advocating for a rapid switch to clean, environmentally friendly and safe energies so that we can limit the effects of climate change on people, the planet and the economy (including our company) to a tolerable level. This involves the expansion of renewable energies, investments in energy efficiency, energy savings and energy storage as well as in the modernization of our electrical grid. In our view, this is a fundamental prerequisite for the future viability of Germany as a business location.

We support the goals of the international Framework Convention on Climate Change and would like the German Federal Government to play an active, pioneering role in implementing them in Germany. We support global climate protection movements and have set science-based climate goals for systematic CO2 reduction that are in line with the targets of the Paris Climate Agreement to limit global warming to 1.5 °C.


More on our political demands:

Nachhaltigkeitsbericht VAUDE: Unsere politische Haltung

Further information also available here:

VAUDE was an active participant in the 2019 climate strike:

VAUDE Ziele: Weltweite klimaneutrale Produktion

#EverydayClimateday. It’s not just the younger generation that’s taking action. It’s also about your future.


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